The Pemberton Rose Collection at Saint Francis Hospice -
the largest collection of Pemberton roses in the world.
The Pemberton Rose Collection at Saint Francis Hospice -
the largest collection of Pemberton roses in the world.
The Pemberton Rose Collection at Saint Francis Hospice -
the largest collection of Pemberton roses in the world.

Help us find the missing Pemberton Roses


There may be missing Pemberton Roses growing in your local park, cemetery, or even your own garden. Upload your photos and vote for roses that you think are missing Pemberton roses.

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The Roses

The delicacy of form, understated beauty, completely care-free
constitution, good fragrance and freedom of blossom of Pemberton's
Hybrid Musks are widely loved by rose afficionados.

Our History

Pemberton Family History

Joseph Hardwick Pemberton was born on 5 October 1852 and become famous for breeding 69 varieties of roses.
History of Havering-atte-Bower

Havering-atte-Bower is a beautiful conservation village on the outer edge of the London Borough of Havering.
Historical Events

Joseph Pemberton lived through an era of huge social change and through many historical events.

Make a donation

Our garden has the largest collection of Pemberton Roses in the world. Help support Saint Francis Hospice and the Pemberton rose collection.

Donate now